Top-Rated Museums In California
The state of California is one that is renowned for being centred on a culture that revolves around art. This is one of the few states in the US where art is celebrated in all areas of life, ranging from architectural designs, the environment and the local people. The state’s love for art is also reflected in its vast number of art schools. There are many reputable art institutions within the state which are recognised across the US and the entire globe.
But, art in California is also able to thrive, based on the presence of museums. A number of high-profile museums are present within the boundaries of the state. Each of the museums is renowned for offering art fanatics a chance to view some of the best works of art that exist today. Both historical and contemporary art are exhibited by the museums in California. Suppose you want to have a chance to encounter the state’s world of art in a unique fashion, you can do well to visit some of its top-rated museums. Here is a look at some of the most revered museums in the state of California. Emphasis has been placed on the museums that give special attention to art-works.

Santa Barbara Museum Of Art
This is the best art museum in the city of Santa Barbara and competes favourably with the Santa Barbara Historical Museum.

The Los Angeles Museum Of Art
This museum is rated one of the best museums of art in the entire city of Los Angeles. It currently holds the sixth place on the list of museums in the city.

The Norton Simon Museum
This is the best museum in Pasadena.

Legion of Honour
This is rated as the 5th best museum on the list of San Francisco’s 101 museum

The Asian Art Museum
This is also present on the list of San Francisco’s 101 museums and lies in the 6th place.

Crocker Art Museum
This is Sacramento’s 2nd best museum.

The Broad
This is rated the 8th best museum in Los Angeles.
Other highly rated museums within California include Palm Springs Art Museum, San Francisco Museum of Art, Catalina Island Museum, Bowers Museum of Cultural Art, The Hess Collection Winery Art Museum, National Steinbeck Centre, Cantor Arts Centre and Palm Springs Art Museum of Palm Dessert.
A visit to one of these California museums is certainly an unforgettable experience that you cannot afford to miss. It is a lifetime experience that attracts scores of art enthusiasts from all over the world.